Saturday, August 4, 2012

Texas Champagne & My Little Pizzeria

Since the night in April that we arrived in Brooklyn and had My Little Pizzeria for dinner, I've been thinking about how well Texas Champagne would taste slathered across a slice. Texas Champagne is not my favorite hot sauce, but I've found that it's the one I like best on pizza. I used to buy it at Whole Foods in Pasadena, but I went to two Whole Foods in Manhattan - and at least a dozen markets - to see if I could find it. I decided that maybe they just don't carry it on this side of the country.

But the other day I was out walking and passed by a different Whole Foods. Sure enough, they had it. So on our next trip to My Little Pizzeria I brought along the bottle and used it generously on my slices. It was awesome. 


  1. You do love your hot sauce!

  2. Lunch time and you're making me hungry! Looks great! Will be on the lookout for Texas Champagne next time I visit Whole Foods. :)
