Wednesday, April 10, 2013

#3: Pommes Frites

Three times I had been to Pommes Frites: on a trip to NYC in 2006; when Elizabeth and I were here in 2010 for her sister's wedding and we took a respite from an afternoon pub crawl to eat some Belgian fries (probably one of the top 10 most fun afternoons we have ever spent together); last summer when my parents were visiting.

(I often get asked if I have a favorite post out of the 1100+ I have written. I do not. But if I were choosing a top 5, my notes on that 2010 trip to Pommes Frites would certainly be on the list.)

The older I get, the less I like fries. I find fault with 90% of them. But I still love good Belgian fries. So the other day Elizabeth and I stopped in one more time. We had the smallest order (the "regular") and again it was too much for the two of us.

The sauces we tried were roasted garlic mayo, lemon-dill mayo, and "curry ketchup especial," a mixture of curry ketchup, raw onions, and mayo.)

There have been perhaps a half-dozen places in my life where I have had better fries on at least one occasion, but none as consistently as Pommes Frites. In four trips now, they've been great every time.


  1. These look so fantastic, I want to eat them right now.

  2. Please more reviews like this Justin!

  3. Replies
    1. Like popular places in New York City, like the pizzas, burgers, sandwiches, dumplings, BBQ, etc etc...

      Less corner bagel stores and obscure Chinese take out spots.

  4. It amuses me how many people still don't understand this blog after all these years. Oh well, I don't have to deal with it any more after this week.

  5. Sad to hear it - yours is by far my favorite food blog and you've provided much inspiration for snacks and random, thrown-together dinners since the time I discovered your blog. I'm sure you will continue eating awesome food and will enjoy the fact that you won't have to write about every single thing after the fact. =)

  6. I was afraid you were going to say you were leaving. I am going to miss reading about your food adventures. Are you just sick of posting here?

  7. I don't think "sick" is the right word. But I only ever did this for fun - that's why it's always been free and there have never been ads or portals or social media. And it's just not that much fun anymore. I realized when I was on vacation in California last month (and didn't put much effort into the blog) that I really don't care about it all that much anymore.
