And if I live to be 100, I will still remember my first juicy pork dumpling from Din Tai Fung. It was the best dumpling I had ever had. Actually, that's not true; the second one was the best dumpling I have ever had. The first one I had dipped into a dish of black vinegar and ginger then bit into. It was unquestionably the hottest thing I have ever eaten and it scalded my tongue, my gums, and made my teeth ache. (Two of the three friends with whom I was having lunch were dentists, but as I recall the sum total of their advice was "Be more careful next time.")
So I waited a couple minutes and repeated the process, bathing the dumpling in Chinese black vinegar - something that complements dim sum much better than soy sauce - and took a small bite. The broth was better than any soup I have ever had and the pork melted in my mouth like a porcine cotton candy.
Of course, the only days back then that I could make it in for lunch were on the weekend, and the waiting time on the weekend can be excruciating. I once went on the day after Christmas and waited two and a half hours. Was it worth it? Always. But at the same time, the idea of dedicating several hours on a weekend morning to waiting in line in a tiny parking lot - and unlike other dim sum places there is no alcohol to drink while you wait - did not appeal to me.
A couple years ago Din Tai Fung expanded, adding another wing on the north side of the building, cutting the wait time drastically. The new room is more spacious, with better lighting, and that's where I prefer to eat now. When my brother called me a few days ago and asked if I wanted to go to lunch with him and our buddy RB, I jumped at the chance and told him I would meet him on the north side of the building.
We settled in and poured ourselves some tea and starting checking off what we wanted to order. My brother selected three orders of dumplings. "Those are all for me," he said. I suggested we get some green beans, some shaomai, and a couple of other items. We had selected 6 orders of dim sum. "That's 60 dumplings," the waitress told us. "Yes," I said, "we're hungry."
We had three orders of these, and our routine is the same as always: we devour them, turn our attention to the other items, and say "we should have just ordered nothing but juicy dumplings."
Overall it was a fantastic meal. Everyone should try Din Tai Fung at least once. "The problem," as my brother explained, "is that every time I eat here, this is all I want to eat for the next several days. There is nothing that sounds good to me except juicy dumplings."
It's a small price to pay, though.
I have never had dumplings. But, thanks to this post I want to! They read to be delicious!
Dumplings rock. This is a good place to start.
Quite a problem indeed. I continue to crave them every day since including today....I need dumplings!
Yeah, we always seem to order the chicken dumplings in addition to the juicy pork...somewhere in our brains, we think we're doing ourselves a favor and adding variety. The chicken are fine, but the juicy pork are always the first to be finished.
I eat the chicken dumplings because they are there. I eat the juicy pork dumplings because they are sublime.
You know you love dentists.
I love two dentists.
The one in Finding Nemo and Amy.
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