I had to throw out all of my refrigerated condiments when I moved. If you've been reading for long, you know how much I love condiments, so it was necessary to start again. The above is what I picked up on my trip across the country.
Bought in El Paso
San Antonio
New Orleans
Rockledge, Florida
Viera, Florida
Florence, South Carolina
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
Ladysmith, Virgina
'It's some good shit, ya'll' has to be THE best tagline I have ever seen on ANY food.
@Emily - yeah, it almost makes up for the Confederate flag on the label.
Welcome back to the internets, Justin!
Now the question is, do you have someplace to grill your food?
Unfortunately, no... or at least none that I have figured out yet. That's going to drive me crazy sooner or... well, sooner.
Incredible representation and selection! Congrats on you landing and internet service. Looking forward to hearing about your adventure in the next 20 posts.
How fun! I look forward to reading about your cross country adventure!!
Very intrigued by the balsamic ketchup.
I have a bottle of that John Boy and Billy's in my 'fridge now (Cleveland, Oh) and I love it. A friend brought it back from NC. Did you like it?
I haven't tried it yet. Do you have something in particular you like it on?
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