We got on the elevator, each carrying two hot dogs slathered in all manner of condiments. There was a gorgeous girl in the elevator, probably 21 years old, and a guy in his 50s or so. He thought it would make him look cool in the eyes of the girl to start making fun of us. We did not care. We may have been drunk idiots, but at least we weren't pathetic 50 year old dudes trying to hit on a girl 30 years younger than we were.
Wolfe Burgers

I have never had the chili cheese fries at Carl's Jr. This isn't terribly surprising; I don't think very much of the place. I went to the Carl's Jr. in Hastings Ranch. I hadn't been there in a year. Last summer Elizabeth and I had gone to a nice restaurant in Old Town, and, after having sat at our table for 25 minutes and been ignored by every employee - they didn't even give us menus, but they sat people next to us after we had been there 15 minutes, and taken their drink orders - we decided just to get some fast food and watch a movie at my parents' house (my parents were on vacation and we were staying at their house to watch their dog.)
We went by Carl's Jr., and as we pulled away from the drive-through window, a little girl ran out in front of our car. I jammed on the brakes, and, despite nearly giving us both a heart attack, everything was fine. Her parents were eating burgers on the sidewalk 20 feet away and they thought it was acceptable to let the two little girls run around the driveway playing tag at 11:30 PM on a Saturday night. They didn't even seem to care that the girl had jumped in front of my car. Sometimes I really hate people.
So this time, I didn't go through the drive-through, I sat inside. I was not terribly impressed when the fries arrived. They were covered with inexpensive cheese and not very good. I didn't really have high expectations for $3 fries at Carl's Jr., though, so I'm not complaining. Especially because they were actually pretty good. Not great, but better than Wienerschnitzel or Hi Life. Eventually the cheese melted, and the chili was decent, certainly better than a watery chili sauce, which is what I had been expecting. I am sure I will never eat these again, but for what they were, they were okay.
Original Tops
Del Taco
I went to the Del Taco on Lake to get some of their chili cheese fries. Wow. That was an experience. A lady sitting in front of the joint, wearing a faded Lakers t shirt, kept yelling out loud, repeating the phrase "Kobe is coming! Mmm hmm. You'll see." Inside, a woman who did not speak English very well was screaming at the manager because she thought an employee was giving her tacos to someone else. It didn't occur to her that there were about a dozen people waiting for food ahead of her and perhaps one of them had ordered tacos as well.
I took my chili fries to my car, made sure I hadn't been followed by anyone thinking I had taken their food or wanting to talk about the impending reduction in the NBA salary cap, and started eating. I have always liked Del Taco's fries but the thin chili sauce doesn't add anything to them. It's not terrible but all I could think as I was eating these was 'man, I wish I'd just gotten regular fries.'
Hi Life Hamburgers

Original Tommy's

Tommy's fries, although thick cut, which I don't usually like, are almost always fried perfectly. They hold up very well against the chili. The fries only cost $3 and there is a ton of chili and cheese - two layers that melt together into a brick that gives you heartburn after 2.5 bites. But totally worth it.
First, Happy Birthday!
Second, what about Wonder Burger, Pharo's Burger (technically not in Pasadena, I know), Rick's, Fatburger, or Jake's?
Third, I'm not sure all those places have chili cheese fries, but they should.
Well, I had to make some choices. I ate more chili fries than I should have and now my stomach hurts. I've never been a Wonder Burger fan. I like Jake's but I don't like their fries at all. (Their onion rings are 100x better and that's what I always get.) Rick's doesn't have chili cheese fries. There isn't a Fatburger within miles of here.
I'm thinking somewhere down the road there will be a Part 2 to this, with The Hat, Pharo's, Connal's, etc.
Fatburger on Arroyo is gone? I've been MIA for too long...
Yeah, that closed many years ago. Now the nearest one is the Hollywood location, according to the Fatburger website. The one in Monrovia was only open for a couple years and then turned into T Burgers. I have an acquantaince who wants to open a Fatburger in Old Town, but the city doesn't want that, as it might interfere with their plans to turn OT into the largest collection of sushi and frozen yogurt joints in the world.
So you want a heart attack for your birthday? Well, I guess that would be the second best way to go :)
You mean other than dying of happiness from seeing Joe Saunders pitch a perfect game tonight? I agree.
Ok, I'll totally accept that you preferred the Tommy's chili-cheese fries, but you have to acknowledge that they look absolutely ... well, just damn gross. I won't elaborate.
Happy birthday amico!!
Happy Birthday Hombre!!!
A guy not quite 50 who dates a girl not quite 21...
If you're who I think you are, trust me, you are way cooler than that dude in the elevator. You could have had that girl and me and Tom.
I've been reading your blogs for a while, and this is the one i love best since i love chilicheese fries. Which hat did you go to? normally the one in Temple City is always fast, if you want to try another good one...try Helmo's near the Arcadia mall (its on Baldwin about a block before the mall)
Thanks, Anthony, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I went to the Hat on Lake Ave in Pasadena. I am probably exaggerating when I say there were 20 people ahead of me, but there were at least a dozen, and they didn't seem to know what they were doing.
You may not believe this, but I have never been to Helmos. I have driven past it perhaps thousands of times in my life and never gone in.
Your time is due my friend, i'm expecting a blog sometime soon!
Try nicks burgers chilI cheese fries in east l.a.
On Hendricks and whittier
Thanks for the tip but I live in Brooklyn now. Hopefully someone else can take advantage of your advice.
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